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wordly perspectives

About the Members-Only Program

How many times has your perspective on the world been influenced by fellow members of PCFR? Now is your chance to learn more in the new PCFR Worldly Perspectives Program series — featuring PCFR members who have led fascinating lives working and travelling around the world.

Learn from one of our long-time members who mastered diplomacy and economic development before being recruited by the private sector while on a work tour in Africa!

Step into the world of a young college student working in refugee camps in Lebanon to build schools and curriculum for displaced children of the Syrian Civil War.

Each season, we will gather featured speakers to share their stories. Following the moderated discussion period, the conversation will continue in smaller groups. Expand your perspective and your network through PCFR Worldly Perspectives — the world’s stories told from our own backyard.

Exploring Leading Foreign Policy Issues


PCFR is dedicated to growing Arizona’s global prominence by providing forums that explore critical foreign policy issues and build enduring international connections.


Tel: 602 441-4967

1934 E Camelback Rd, Suite 120-421 Phoenix, AZ 85016

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