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Glen Goodman


Glen Goodman is Senior Director for Latin America with Arizona State University’s International Development Initiative where he and his team work to harness ASU’s considerable expertise and capabilities to pursue and implement development projects in the region, principally funded by USAID and the Department of State. In this capacity he engages with universities, development agencies, foundations, NGOs, local governments, and the private sector to build strategic consortia for implementation of US Government priorities across the region. He is also Clinical Assistant Professor of Brazilian Studies in ASU’s School for International Letters and Cultures.

A proud 5th generation Phoenician, Glen is passionate about helping Arizona and Arizonans engage globally, particularly with its most proximate neighbors in the Hemisphere. He holds degrees from Georgetown, Oxford, and Emory Universities, two certificates in cuisine from Cordon Bleu Paris, and has received support from the Fulbright, Fulbright-Hays, and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) programs.

Exploring Leading Foreign Policy Issues


PCFR is dedicated to growing Arizona’s global prominence by providing forums that explore critical foreign policy issues and build enduring international connections.


Tel: 602 441-4967

1934 E Camelback Rd, Suite 120-421 Phoenix, AZ 85016

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